Weijing Xiao
This design adopts its theoretical framework from the scholar Donna Haraway, who in the 80s published A Cyborg Manifesto that addressed the half-machine-half-organism condition of the human body and her hope for future gender equity. “Healing Machine and Children of the Cyborg is a gender-fluid look investigating post-pandemic femininity to draw together the split mind-body-sexuality relationship among my generation".

Lightweight feel
The garment, that gives off a lightweight feel, is supported by the neckline that merges the front and back with a lattice-like structure that sweeps diagonally across the shoulder and that serves as sculpted shoulder pads that help strengthen the silhouette. It is curved at both the sides and the back to build weight, which balances the proportions of the front of the garment. A delicate single-layer of organza maintains the volume.