Designed to facilitate knowledge and to enjoy the museum and its content through participative and educational initiatives, the programme consists of activities adapted to different educational stages and adjusted to curricular contents, using clothing and everything surrounding it as an effective educational tool.
More informationFashion school
The museum's exhibition and activity programme aims to generate a culture of fashion by trasmitting knowhow related to to the different professions kiving side by side in the fashion context, thus responding to the interests and needs of different publics, from specialised to more general.
More informationFamilies and spare time
Participants get a chance to find out more about the exhibits and there is also a practical activity where they can experiment with their own creativity. The workshops are held once a month from October to June and each session lasts approximately two hours.
More informationAccesible visits and activities
The Museum is working on an educational area intended to facilitate access to people with special physical and intellectual needs and more generally, people in danger of social exclusion.
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