Opening hours and prices
Cristóbal Balenciaga Museoa offers you useful information such as timetables, prices or services so you can organise your visit quickly and easily.
More informationHow to get here
The Museum will help you to plan your visit by showing you the best routes, transport options and distances from your location.
More informationGuided tours
More informationAccessibility
Making sure everyone has access to the services and activities that the Museum offers is one of this institution's primary objectives. For that purpose, we offer specific resources, adapted services and spaces available for people with wide-ranging needs.
Interior spaces without architectural barriers / Rest rooms adapted for wheelchair users / Wheelchairs and walking sticks with seats are available at reception / Tactile resources / Multimedia guides
More informationActivities and experiences
The Cristóbal Balenciaga Museoa has created a programme of tours and activities that will transform your visit to the Museum into a unique and unforgettable experience.
More information