Primary Education

Exploring and experimenting will help children to become familiar with and gain greater knowledge of subjects associated to the museum collections in the Primary Education activities. 

Oficios textiles

Primary Education

Textile-related trades

The activity seeks to educate about the art and profession of dressmaking. Pupils will identify and relate the main professions and responsibilities involved in the production of the garments, and the handcrafted processes used in them. In the workshop, they make a personalised T-shirt, experimenting with colours, shapes and textures.  

Tour of the exhibition and workshop

2 LH BZ Esperimentu kromatikoak-Experimentos cromaticos EP SC I

Primary Education

Natural colours and dyes

This initiative will provide deeper knowledge about colour. Pupils learn the primary colours and see how the secondary colours are obtained. How is colour applied to the fabric? What materials are used? Participants will be asked to recognise and classify plants, animals and other natural resources for dyeing, will practice dyeing and will thus prepare a collection of textile chromatic samples.

3rd and 4th year Primary Education. 
Tour of the exhibition and workshop

¡Sigue el hilo!

Primary Education

Follow the thread!

Where does thread come from? How is a fabric created? What are the tools used to create a fabric?
Children get a chance to discover the origin of natural textile fibres, and how the fabrics are made. Using a loom, participants also weave a basic fabric.

Tour of the exhibition and workshop 

Niños de recurso II

Primary Education

(u)topic silhouettes


This initiative will take a closer look at the meaning of the term silhouette in order to recognise the transformations experienced by the body depending on the garments covering it. Discovering the actions of garments on corporal forms, understanding their meanings, and distinguishing the qualities of the fabrics used for these purposes, are some of the experiences encompassed by the activity. Completing the itinerary is a workshop where students will create new silhouettes based on an original method created by the surrealists and based on the old pastime Consequences.

Tour of the exhibition and workshop 

EN MOV.jpg

Primary Education

In motion

The aim of this activity is to explore the museum’s static works through dance and corporal expression. Two dancers take the participating students through the museum on a unique journey of dance and discovery.

Museum visit and workshop