Christmas at the ,Museum
The Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum offers a special programme of activities for all audiences over the Christmas period.
Dates: 26, 27, 28, 29 y 30 de diciembre
Time: 11:00h (castellano) y 13:00h (euskera)
Admission: Entrance + Supplement of 3,50€
In addition to the possibility of visiting the Museum on your own, guided tours with limited places have been organised (16 visitors and one guide) at 11:00 (in Spanish) and 01:00pm (in Basque). Tours are open to those who purchase a ticket with the corresponding fee supplement. Buy your ticket
Date: December 29
Time: 12:00h
Language: Spanish
Admission: Entrance + Supplement of 3,50€
A museum visit that weaves together different artistic disciplines, creating a dialogue between the static pieces of the collection and the art of dance. Through this unique interplay, visitors experience the figure and work of Cristóbal Balenciaga from a new perspective. Two dancers will take the group on a unique dance journey. Buy your ticket
With the participation of DAB Konpainia.
Date: December 26
Time: 17:00h
Language: Basque
Admissión: 3€
Direction & Production: Mar-Mar Teatro
Marti has no experience of fear because she lives in a quiet seaside village. His dad is a sailor and one grey, stormy day, as Marti is waiting for him on the pier, a huge gust of wind comes along and blows him into the sea. And so, begins his journey to the bottom of the ocean, where he learns about fear and to speak the language of fish. More información and ticket purchase
Date: December 27 and 28
Time: 11:00am-01:30pm
Admissión: Free
Christmas logs are one of the characteristic symbols of the winter solstice and the Basque celebration of Eguberri. According to this ancient tradition, the ashes of the Christmas logs which are burnt on Christmas Eve take on magic, protective powers.
Children and families are invited to come and create a Christmas log installation on December 27 and 28. A leader will be there to supervise and provide entertainment at this collaborative event. Don’t miss it!
For more information and consults:
T. 943 00 88 40
@. info@cristobalbalenciagamuseoa.com