From the moment work ceased at the Balenciaga workshops and salons, the designer’s creations began to transcend their material and symbolic value as clothing, which is, by definition, ephemeral, to become heritage. This visit offers a unique opportunity to learn about the process a garment undergoes once it is deposited in the Museum, the guidelines and criteria for the conservation and exhibition of the collections, and the work undertaken to preserve this invaluable legacy.
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 10:30h
Language: Spanish
Admission: Free
From the moment work ceased at the Balenciaga workshops and salons, the designer’s creations began to transcend their material and symbolic value as clothing, which is, by definition, ephemeral, to become heritage. This visit offers a unique opportunity to learn about the process a garment undergoes once it is deposited in the Museum, the guidelines and criteria for the conservation and exhibition of the collections, and the work undertaken to preserve this invaluable legacy.
Limited numbers. Registration required.
Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Further information and bookings at:
@. info@cristobalbalenciagamuseoa.com
T. 943 00 88 40