This initiative will introduce the participating families to the eco-printing technique, a botanical printing method of producing textile designs taking their inspiration from nature. The families will create their own print, stamping the fabric with the colour, outline and texture of tinctorial materials including leaves, flowers, bark or stalks. Create your own unrepeatable piece, with an unpredictable result!
Date: September 28.
Time: 11:15-13:00.
Public: Families with children between the ages of 7 and 14 years.
Language: Basque and Spanish.
Price: 3 € per person.
Instructor: Textile artist Virginia Ameztoy Montenegro, who holds a degree in Design, Textile screen Printing and Decorative Arts by Middlesex University London, shall be teaching the wokshop.
Places limited. Registration required.
More information and registration:
Tel. 943 00 88 40
Registration is open until September 26 (2 pm), or until all places are taken before then, no matter what the date.
Museum members will enjoy a 10% discount. Please give your member number when booking your place so that we can apply the discount.
The maximum number of participants per workshop and date is 15 children accompanied by 1 or 2 adults.
Registration Form
In order to participate in this activity, fill in the following form.